Animate a Panther Walk.
Professional Creature Animation.
Modern workflows that include space switching.
Speed up your animation workflow by reusing animation keys on several controllers.
Easily mirror your animation.
Generate quick secondary motion by taking advantage of existing core animation.
Animate big cats walk gait.
You will gain access to all my Maya files, so that you can compare your work with mine.
You will gain access to a FREE Panther rig and model.
Access to all the tools you need to animate faster, better, and easier.
FREE PREVIEWRig, Additional Scripts, and Video Reference Downloads
Links Additional Scripts and Resources
Working with references
Gearing up. Having the tools at hand
Setting up the project
Setting up the rig
Animating the hips and hind leg
Reusing the pelvis animation to animate the chest
Posing the front legs
Designing a pose for head and tail
Splining the spine
Splining the legs
Splining the head
FREE PREVIEWAnimating the tail
Mirror the animation and wrap up
Appendix - all the Maya files!
To render or not to render